Saturday, June 17, 2017

Why is India so unclean, polluted, congested, crowded & over populated ???

Why is India so unclean, polluted, congested, crowded & over populated ???

Have a look at the most beautiful and the cleanest city in the whole wide world, I mean the amazing city of Singapore. A brief Write-up follows the following pictures. Please don't miss it.

Am constantly receiving a live stream of beautiful pictures from Rohan, from the city of Singapore : the cleanest city, the cleanest nation in the whole wide world.

Only after a few minutes of contemplation, I realised why their country is so clean. The same Indians who've gone there from this unruly country are very law abiding in those countries.

Reason??? The local laws are unusually stringent. If you break them, your skull will be broken into pieces. You better be law abiding.

The cars in Singapore are unusually expensive, I am told. Even a small ordinary brand is no less than 55 or 60 lakhs, thereby preventing all the Toms and all Dicks & all Harrys from purchasing cars, and forcing them to use public transports like buses, metros etc. This way, we are left with plenty of space on the roads for free movement, & hydrocarbon pollution is also much less. Public transport system is excellent in Singapore, I am told.

Owning a house in Singapore is unthinkable for many people, I am told. Houses are unusually expensive to purchase, thereby preventing all Malas & Malavikas & Malathis to purchase & own house in every street corner, every Galli, and every lane, and thereby congesting and polluting the clean expansive cities.

Why can't we have such stringent laws in our country?? Why should all of us own one, two or multiple cars, when there's no space in the cities and towns for parking, when there's no space on roads to accomodate million and one Hatchbacks, Sedans & SUVs??? Why cant we use public transports, Ubers, OLAs & Autos, to reduce vehicle population in our country?? Why are we constructing houses, by hook or by crook, wherever we see space, without any plans, in all unimaginable illegal ways??

For accomodating the vehicles, we are expanding the roads, and for expanding the roads, we are chopping off the mighty dense trees, preventing rainfall in the country and causing water shortage and draught.
Let's make up our minds, not to buy vehicles at least, if buying a house can not be prevented.

Greenpeace India Environmental Conservation Renewables and Environmental News National Geographic Discovery Stop Pollution India Today India

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