Thursday, June 8, 2017

Amma trying to be a busy bee these days, all set to get into Grihasthaasramam once again 🤣🤣

Amma trying to be a busy bee these days, all set to get into Grihasthaasramam once again 🤣

The Brief Write-Up on Amma, follows the pictures of Amma, posted her : Please Don't Miss It

Ever-Active, Busiest-Bee 'Amma'

Ever-Active, Busiest-Bee 'Amma'

Ever-Active, Busiest-Bee 'Amma'

 One of the many ways these days, to keep my once hyperactive Amma busy, is to overload her, with the tiring job of cleaning Menthiya Keerai ( Methi Saag), Dhania & Pudeena.

My siblings Viji, Raju & Raman, often advise me not to keep Amma's Devil's Workshop empty, by supplying her with readymade, timely lunch & dinner 🤣🤣.

And I find, Menthiya Keerai cleaning to be the best occupation for her, with minimmum strain on her invalid frozen shoulders, and also a great 'Concentration Exercise' for her, restlessly wandering mind. 

As Amma is in no moods these days, to get initiated into & relentlessly practise, the Great 'Panchaakshara Japa', I mean the sacred ॐ नमः शिवाय  (Om Namah Shivaya Mantra) of Lord Shiva , I have chosen 'Menthiya Keerai' cleaning to be the 'Gyaana Maarga' & 'Karma Yoga' for her Seeking Soul. 🤣🤣

So the work goes on & on these days, with full swing, with Amma diving deeper & deeper, into the inner layers of her mind, I mean diving deeper & deeper into Dhyaanam & Samaadhi, of Ashtaanga-Yoga of Patanjali Maharshi, therby making life, easy, easier & easiest for me.

Here is a picture of our busy Amma this morning, deeply immersed in the dedicated Karma Yoga of terribly complex & back breaking Keerai cleaning job, with a tiny glass of fresh mango-shake for breakfast, to charge her with some energy, making her life very meaningful & livable, for her, and for others as well.

I am sure Raju, Ramana & Viji will be in the happiest heaven, I mean the Satyaloka, Brahma Loka of Brahma, if not anyone else.

The three siblings of mine, will feel blissful, to see this old Amma of ours, making her rare to get good 'Human-Birth' very meaningful & fruitful, at least to a reasonable extent, even at this ripe age of 82, with severe irreversible Arthritis, that has made all her limbs simply useless. 🤣🤣

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