Monday, June 26, 2017

Global Warming : Is it That Difficult To Put An End To Global Warming ??

A brief write-up follows, the following pictures on the pathetic effects of global-warming. Please don't miss it.

One of the many notable causes for Global Warming is the numberless Air Conditioners ( Both Central Heating & Central Cooling Systems ), that the developed nations have been using since 20th century in a massively big way to fight extreme heat & extreme cold in their localities.

The huge quantum of Nuclear Power used by these wealthy nations, too is equally responsible in a very big way, towards Global Warming. They say, such alarming usage by us humans, has caused an enormously BIG HOLE in the Ozone layer of the atmosphere above Australia, permitting the outrageous entry of the extremely harmful Ultra Violet Rays' into Australia and causing deadly skin cancer to the inhabitants of the country. 

The great Scientist , who discovered this hole in the Ozone layer, was awarded Nobel Prize in Physics or perhaps Chemistry, a number of years back. But has this discovery helped us in anyway to improve?

The atmosphere in many of the industrialised Nations in the world, is thoroughly soaked & polluted with carbon dioxide gas from the local industries .......And the trees that are supposed to absorb this unhealthy (???) carbon dioxide gas to produce fresh oxygen once again to refresh the atmosphere, have all been heartlessly chopped off.

How then can we prevent Global Warming???

If all of us take the oath of planting at least one tree in our lifetime & taking care of it till it reaches a certain stage of maturity, we'll have more than one billion trees in our country ( India ) least one billion, if not more....a number quite enough to drastically bring down the environmental pollution by carbon dioxide. This would prevent global warming in a real big way & help the country have good seasonal rainfall every year with a bumper crop for the starving population. 


Other Industrial Nations on our planet too could take similar oath to enrich the starving atmosphere with life giving Praanavaayu (Oxygen).

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